Wednesday, December 9, 2009

is your goal realistic?

ANY goal is realistic.  The question is if the time frame you give yourself is realistic.  We as humans never fully realize our genetic potential.  If I wanted to take my guitar skills to the professional level, that would not be an unrealistic goal.  But if I said get to that level within less than a year, that would be unrealistic, but the point remains that I have the potential to get there.  If we believe it to be possible and likely, we are more likely to work hard to get there.

Breaking the Cycle

I read Wong's passage about Self-Esteem cycles and thought it was very interesting.  Low achievement leads negative perception of self and others, which leads to bad relationships, etc.  Low self-esteem is a cycle just like high self-esteem is a cycle.  High achievement leads to a high view of one's self and so on.  Both cycles can be broken.  For me, failure can really break a high self-esteem cycle.  For instance, in Latin freshman year, I got an 'A' on the first test.  On the next one I got a 'C'.  I incorrectly felt that Latin just wasn't for me and that I should blow it off the rest of the semester.  Bad move.  I should not have let my low self-esteem get me.  You have to take yourself out of a bad cycle by working hard and positive thinking.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Does it have its place among students?  Health experts and students would probably have all sorts of different answers.  For me, it does.  When I wake up, if I don't feel well rested, the difference caffeine makes is huge.  Sometimes I'll fall asleep in class and take a 3 hour nap mid-afternoon, no bueno.  One early morning caffeinated beverage changes all of that.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What to do about?

If you make a schedule and can't adhere to it.  Sometimes I'll tell myself that I am going to get a certain part of a project done by a certain time.  If i fail to get that part done, it is tough for me to get on it because I get easily overwhelmed.  I guess I need to capitalize on that stress and get to work.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Morning work

I've found that homework in the mornings is primo.  Why?  Afternoons and evenings are distracting.  You turn on the TV at 8am you aren't gonna find anything worth watching.  Turn it on at 5pm and you may as well give up on homework.  Also, there is no one to hang out with.  If you call your buddy Billy-Bob at 8am he is gonna curse you then go back to sleep.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Highlighting/Note taking

So I'm torn whether or not to take notes or highlight or neither when I'm reading.  Short passages I can highlight and take notes over, but if a passage is long it simply takes too long.  Even highlighting seems to slow me down because I have to take a break from reading and put the highlighter to the paper.  On the other hand, both highlighting and note taking encourage rereading and studying and both increase reading comprehension.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Morning focus

Setting an alarm and working in the morning versus other times of day seems to help me.  In the afternoon and at night, I can't stop thinking about other things, so sometimes I'll just hit the hay and wake up early instead.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I only have one reading/test based class this semester and it is media and society.  For this class I read with a highlighter and take notes in class.  I haven't had a test yet, so I honestly don't know what strategies mentioned in this class I should use because he hasn't discussed the format of the tests with us yet.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Academic Improvement Plan

This semester I can afford to make only 2 B's.  I already know which classes those will be: Photojournalism and Field Production.  I am more than capable of succeeding in this class, media and society, Weight Lifting, and Screenwriting.  Those must all be A's for me to keep my scholarship.  Things I need to work on are doing the reading the day it is assigned rather than wait until the night before.  Why? because the night before sometimes turns into the morning of which sometimes turns into no reading at all.  It is important that I cut down on the procrastination.  I have gotten better since last semester, but i still have much room to improve.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I did not apply what I had learned in class this weekend, by waiting until two days before a project was due to start shooting it.  It is a short film and it left me with one day to edit.  I learned that projects that involve planning, other people, and other things that you can't count on should always be placed ahead of things like daily/weekly assignments and reading because all those require is a textbook and/or pen and paper.