Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I only have one reading/test based class this semester and it is media and society.  For this class I read with a highlighter and take notes in class.  I haven't had a test yet, so I honestly don't know what strategies mentioned in this class I should use because he hasn't discussed the format of the tests with us yet.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Academic Improvement Plan

This semester I can afford to make only 2 B's.  I already know which classes those will be: Photojournalism and Field Production.  I am more than capable of succeeding in this class, media and society, Weight Lifting, and Screenwriting.  Those must all be A's for me to keep my scholarship.  Things I need to work on are doing the reading the day it is assigned rather than wait until the night before.  Why? because the night before sometimes turns into the morning of which sometimes turns into no reading at all.  It is important that I cut down on the procrastination.  I have gotten better since last semester, but i still have much room to improve.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I did not apply what I had learned in class this weekend, by waiting until two days before a project was due to start shooting it.  It is a short film and it left me with one day to edit.  I learned that projects that involve planning, other people, and other things that you can't count on should always be placed ahead of things like daily/weekly assignments and reading because all those require is a textbook and/or pen and paper.